We are a Mixed Billing Practice

Billing Information

We are Mixed Billing Practice, this means we charge a fee for most services and sometimes we will bulk bill. We cannot bulk bill everyone due to the low funding it offers. Government rebates have not stayed in line with the rising costs experienced and so we aim to balance fees to ensure a fair go for our Patients, Staff and Health Professionals. We do recognise there are those who need bulk billing to maintain their health and so our practice has changed its fee structure to ensure transparency, but leaves room for bulk billing also. We are committed to the principle of informed consent, not just for procedures or medication information but also for financial commitment to a consult or service. If you would like to provide us with any feedback you can do so here.


Bulk-Billing is available but Limited

  • Between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday

  • For Pensioners, Gold Card Veterans Affairs, and Health Care Cardholders (issued by Centrelink)

  • Children 0-12 years of age

  • And Doctor/Provider Initiated Telehealth


Practice Fees

Simplified OuT-of-Pocket cost

THIS IS THE GAP AMOUNT PAID BY YOU AFTER RECEIVING THE MEDICARE REBATE. The Medicare rules are that a patient has to pay the rebate + gap amount and then Medicare will refund the rebate amount.

Consults monday to friday:

under 20mins: $50 out of pocket

over 20mins: $70 out of pocket

Consults saturday (from 1st of September 2024):

under 20mins: $70 out of pocket

over 20mins: $90 out of pocket

Fees apply to all standard consults in (when not bulk billed) and out of hours, Telehealth, Home Visits, Mental Health, Women’s Health and Elective Procedures.

We offer payment solutions with rebates processed at our counters and direct debit plan options for more expensive services and procedures.



We prioritize your skin health and offer a range of skin excision procedures tailored to your needs. Below is a guide on our gap fees for various skin excision services. Please note that below are gap payment fees only. The exact amount will depend on the type of service and will be discussed with you prior to the procedure.  

For other patients with Medicare or DVA insurance:

Procedure: Gap Payment:

Skin check Consult time ($50 or $70)

Biopsy Bulk Billed

Simple Ellipse $100

Flap/Graft $200

For Pension Card/Health Care Card Holder: 

Procedure: Gap Payment:

Skin check Bulk Billed

Biopsy Bulk Billed

Simple Ellipse $50

Flap/Graft $100


Other Fees

New Patient pRE-pAYMENT $50

We have had many New Patients make appointments and then not come in. We now require a deposit of $50 to be made at the time of booking. This can be transferred to your fees after seeing the doctor. If you are eligible to be bulk billed for your consult this will be refunded at your appointment unless the service cannot be bulk billed.

Cancellation / No Show Fee $20-$50

This fee is applies if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel with less than 2 hours notice.

The practice sends reminder SMS messages for all consults and calls patients to confirm long appointments.


Occupational Medicine

Pre-Employment Medical $150

/Driver Medicals

Audiometry $50

ECG $50

Spirometry $50

Drug/Alcohol Testing $50

We are happy to discuss Service Agreements with employers of >150 staff to allow for bulk pricing.